There are no Losers


There are no Losers

10 August 2010

We live in an age where political correctness has gone crazy and where everyone has to win or get a…

Capital Punishment

28 April 2010

Capital Punishment has been forever abolished in Australia by the recent passing of The Crimes Legislation Amendment (Torture Prohibition and…

No Cost Environmental Care

14 April 2010

“I care for the environment – as long as it doesn’t cost me anything.”  That seems to just about sum…

The Atheist Agenda

24 March 2010

Well, they’ve come and gone from what was described as the world’s biggest atheist conference. Author Melanie Phillips described it…

The Atheists are Coming!

3 March 2010

The Global Atheist Convention is coming to Melbourne in March.  The theme is “The Rise of Atheism” and amongst the…

The Problem of Suffering (2)

3 February 2010

If God is all-powerful why doesn’t he stop evil and suffering in the world?  This question is best answered by…

The Problem of Suffering

27 January 2010

The problem of suffering is the subject of the most frequently raised question concerning the Christian faith: “If there’s a…

Judgmental Christians

2 December 2009

Ever met a judgmental Christian?  You probably have, there are plenty around – people who are ready to point out…

Christianity and Politics – Far from Right

25 November 2009

In the book Unchristian, David Kinnaman states: “Many outsiders … believe Christians have a right (even an obligation) to pursue…

The Church: Boring, Sheltered And Out Of Touch

11 November 2009

It’s time for the church to face facts.  The fact that many people’s perception of the church is that it’s…

Sinners! We’re out to get ya!

4 November 2009

Christians are accused of being too focused on getting converts and likened to telemarketers according to research conducted by David…

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