The Sin of Discrimination


The Sin of Discrimination

24 November 2021

We Christians can sometimes be a little too preoccupied with sin, especially other people’s sin. We tend to give ourselves…

Mishandling the Book of Revelation

17 November 2021

One of the good things about a crisis is it often provokes people to read the Bible and pray. The…

What if the Whole World Were Christian?

10 November 2021

I was recently asked if I thought the world would be a better place if everyone were a Christian. My…

Diwali: A Christian Response

3 November 2021

I received an email a while back asking, “How do you think we should respond as Christians to Diwali? This…

CoVid-19 Vaccines: Answers to Your Questions

20 October 2021

CoVid-19 Vaccines. One of the most talked-about topics today. So many questions and differing opinions, seemingly contradicting and confusing messages…

Taking the Heat Out of Global Warming

13 October 2021

When a significant issue becomes politicised, it creates polarisation. That is what has occurred with climate change. People hear those…

So, What’s REALLY Going On?

7 October 2021

My intention in writing this blog is to point out something that I hope will be helpful to us all…

Understanding the Book of Proverbs

29 September 2021

The Bible’s book called Proverbs contains some of the oldest writings in Scripture. It is a fascinating work jam-packed with…

Vaccine Passports

22 September 2021

A couple of weeks ago, I posted the following on my Facebook page: I’d like to gauge how people are…

Mental Health Matters

8 September 2021

Today is RUOK Day, “our national day of action dedicated to reminding everyone that every day is the day to…

Post Mortem Salvation

2 September 2021

I have always believed and taught that people can only “get saved” during this lifetime. After all, “People are destined…

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