The Significance of Palm Sunday


The Significance of Palm Sunday

6 April 2022

Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, an event that is so important it’s mentioned in all four gospels.[1]…

The Broad Road to Destruction

23 March 2022

Without question, some of Jesus’ sayings are alarming. I was particularly intimidated as a young Christian by the wide gate…

Binding the Strong Man

16 March 2022

I became a Christian in a Pentecostal church at age 19. Pentecostal Christianity was my Christian formation and has continued…

My Life Flashed Before My Eyes

9 March 2022

I’ve almost died five times! The first time, I was six years old and fascinated by music, record players, and…

Free Speech & The Bible

1 March 2022

We’ve heard a lot about free speech over the past few years. The restrictions and lockdowns during the pandemic heightened…

Unholy Fundraising

23 February 2022

As Senior Pastor of Bayside Church, I am incredibly grateful for the generosity of our church community and for their…

The End of “Conversion” Therapy

16 February 2022

Warning: This blog explores the rise and fall of “conversion” therapy and some of the failed techniques used to change…

How to Enjoy the Bible

9 February 2022

I investigated some pitfalls in last week’s blog when reading the Bible. And I promised that in this week’s blog,…

How NOT to Read the Bible

2 February 2022

When I first picked up a Bible, I was nine years old. I’d been given a family Bible by my…

Is Australia Day “Invasion Day”?

19 January 2022

Imagine, if you will, that a family arrived at your house and moved right in because someone told them your…

Just a Coincidence?

12 January 2022

Coincidence – a situation in which things happen simultaneously without planning. For example, in 2011 Time Magazine reported the coincidental…

The Sin of Discrimination

24 November 2021

We Christians can sometimes be a little too preoccupied with sin, especially other people’s sin. We tend to give ourselves…

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