Easter Possums


Easter Possums

5 April 2012

I’ve heard that possums are smart animals. You wouldn’t think so because you hardly ever see one except when it’s…

Acceptance: A Powerful Force!

29 March 2012

The Bible tells us that “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).  He didn’t wait for…

Australia’s Retail Dilemma

21 March 2012

Now I don’t doubt that some retailers are struggling and I understand their call for GST, customs charges and duties…

The Religion of Atheism

14 March 2012

The religion of atheism will once again be preached at the 2012 Atheist Convention coming up in April in Melbourne…

The Season of Lent

28 February 2012

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday.  Sundays are skipped when counting the 40 days, because Sundays commemorate the Resurrection.  This year…

Donate Life

23 February 2012

Some Christians may fail to donate organs because of the idea that a total body will be necessary at the…

The Moral Police

1 February 2012

The problem is that this moral message gets in the way of the church’s real message – the gospel, which…

Rules and Relationship

12 January 2012

To have only rules leads to rebellion, fear and seclusion.  To have only relationship leads to over familiarity, insecurity and…

Knowing God’s Will

12 January 2012

I believe the Bible gives us four principles that help us discover what God’s will is for our life: Firstly,…

Tithing: Putting God First

12 January 2012

Tithing is the practice of giving one-tenth of one’s income or possessions to God’s work so that it can be…

What About Santa?

29 November 2011

Before the 1931 introduction of the Coca-Cola Santa Claus, the image of Santa ranged from big to small and fat…

Persecuted For Your Faith

16 November 2011

Alarming reports however, are streaming in from all over the world that Christian believers in many countries are being tortured,…

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