Born Again – What’s that About?


Born Again – What’s that About?

19 September 2012

“Born again!” It’s a familiar term that’s been done to death in recent times.  If you google it you come…

Discerning as Mud

5 September 2012

One "friend" didn't agree with me quoting a "secular" source and wrote, "Rob Buckingham, you have all the discernment of…

Gluttony: Our favorite sin

14 August 2012

One of these is gluttony and it’s rampant amongst Christians.  A few years ago, Christie and I were in Queensland…

Another Hit For Religious Education

1 August 2012

I can’t speak for every teacher of CRE but I know that in my six years of teaching I found…

People Before Theology

25 July 2012

But the purpose of theology is not just knowing about God and truth but knowing how God feels about and…

Born Believers

28 June 2012

According to Dr Olivera Petrovich, an expert in psychology of religion, “Infants are hardwired to believe in God, and atheism…

The Purpose of the Law

13 June 2012

The danger with truth is that when you push a truth too far it slips into error.  That is true…

Intolerant Tolerance

30 May 2012

Tolerance is the new buzzword.  Google it and you’ll get 138 million results in 14 seconds! There is a modern…

The Hunger Games

15 May 2012

The Hunger Games was written by Suzanne Collins, who has written many children's books over the past two decades.  This…

When the Sun Dies

9 May 2012

The astronomer was fascinating. We got a clear look at Mars and Venus and then checked out some of the…


3 May 2012

But there’s another type of aloneness that doesn’t energise and refresh – that’s loneliness.  Wikipedia describes loneliness as “an unpleasant…

Anzac Day

17 April 2012

When the men scaled the heights they were met by merciless fire from Turkish guns, but they hung on, dug…

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