Taking the Bible out of context


Taking the Bible out of context

27 November 2013

One of my pet hates is when I hear people taking Bible verses out of context. You can make the…

Divine Interruptions

20 November 2013

How do you go with being interrupted? I’m not too keen on it personally, especially when I’m busy or working…

Return to God

17 October 2013

I woke up early this morning and started my day by reading the Bible. In my daily reading I was…

Are we ever satisfied?

23 September 2013

I’m writing this blog in Indonesia where Christie and I are doing some ministry. Every time I come to Asia…

Fences or Wells?

21 August 2013

In her article “Digging Wells or Building Fences”, Dr Sheila Pritchard tells the story of a visitor to an Australian…

51 Ways to Bless Your Kids

30 July 2013

Last weekend at Bayside Church I spoke about “Passing the Baton.” It was a message that resonated strongly with a…

The Humour of Christ

24 July 2013

The humour of Christ is the title of a very old book by Quaker author Elton Trueblood in which he…

25 Billion ways to waste money

17 July 2013

If you ask the question, “could you do with more money?” I’m sure most of us would reply with a…

Neither Poverty Nor Riches

25 June 2013

Martin Luther put it this way, “Satan doesn’t care which side of the horse we fall off, as long as…

Understanding the Book of Job

18 June 2013

The Book of Job in the Hebrew Scriptures is one of the most misunderstood books in the Bible. And yet,…

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