The Scrapping of SRI


The Scrapping of SRI

9 September 2015

Along with many Christians, as well as those of other faiths, I was disappointed to hear recently that the Victorian…

Why I Do What I Do

2 September 2015

A number of years ago I was sitting around a dinner table enjoying a wonderful meal with a number of…

Everyone’s Welcome! Are They Really?

26 August 2015

Many churches display signs outside their buildings – or on their websites – that express something like, “everyone is welcome.” …

Healing: Answers to Your Questions (2)

19 August 2015

Last week I addressed two of the most-often asked questions when it comes to spiritual healing: “does God really heal…

Healing: Answers to Your Questions (1)

12 August 2015

As I sit at home recovering from a rather nasty bout of flu and Pneumonia, I thought it would be…

What Kind of Christian Are You?

29 July 2015

In asking this question I’m not referring to the denomination or style of the church you’re part of (or not…

Thoughts on Same-Sex Marriage

22 July 2015

Someone accused me on Facebook recently of “being quiet” on the issue of same-sex marriage. While that’s not been the…

The NIV Conspiracy

15 July 2015

On 11 July 2015, musician Erica Campbell shared a post on Facebook inferring a conspiracy by Harper Collins regarding the…

Speaking in Tongues

5 July 2015

“Speaking in tongues” is a gift of the Holy Spirit and is literally “speaking in an unknown language” – that…

The Need for Feminism

1 July 2015

I love history! It fascinates me – not just because it’s a study of past events but rather because of…

Some Thoughts on Mark Driscoll

10 June 2015

Social media was buzzing earlier this week over Mark Driscoll and his impending appearance at this year’s Hillsong Conference.  This…

Extreme Grace

3 June 2015

From time to time I hear Christian people being critical of some explanations of the grace of God.  The terms…

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