All Terrorists are Muslim?


All Terrorists are Muslim?

18 November 2015

In the light of the deadly terrorist attacks on Paris a few days ago, social media has been abuzz with…

In Defence of Wealthy Politicians

11 November 2015

The Tall Poppy Syndrome is one of the not-so-good things about our Aussie culture. It’s one of the few leftovers…

Pop-Up Pharisees

4 November 2015

The pop-up trend is relatively new. Over the last couple of years we’ve seen an increasing number of pop-up shops,…

A Christian Response to Halloween

28 October 2015

I received this message a while ago via Facebook: “I just got a letter from school on Friday asking all…

Why is Christian Unity so Hard?

14 October 2015

In Jesus’ prayer recorded in John 17 He said, “I pray also for those who will believe in me through…

Are Pro-Lifers Really Pro-Life?

7 October 2015

Pro-lifers have been in the news quite a lot recently, firstly with the Melbourne Fertility Clinic and its failed bid…

The World is Getting Better

30 September 2015

I created a bit of a stir on social media this week (unusual, I know) by making the following statement:…

The World Ends Next Week – Apparently!

23 September 2015

Over the centuries there have been frequent predictions about the end of the world.  And here comes another one dubbed…

The Ancient Practice of Tithing

16 September 2015

There’s a fascinating principle of interpreting and understanding Scripture that is one of the proofs of the Bible’s inspiration.  It’s…

The Scrapping of SRI

9 September 2015

Along with many Christians, as well as those of other faiths, I was disappointed to hear recently that the Victorian…

Why I Do What I Do

2 September 2015

A number of years ago I was sitting around a dinner table enjoying a wonderful meal with a number of…

Everyone’s Welcome! Are They Really?

26 August 2015

Many churches display signs outside their buildings – or on their websites – that express something like, “everyone is welcome.” …

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