Hijacked by Conspiracies


Book of Revelation conspiracies Prophecy

Hijacked by Conspiracies

20 April 2016 Hits:4056

Last year I wrote a blog entitled, “What kind of Christian are you?” In this blog, I outlined a number of things that tend to derail or highjack Christian people from our core purpose and focus; things like consumerism, crises and condemnation. These things pop up on a regular basis but one that seems to get the most attention is “conspiracy.”

Over the past twelve months the Christian world has become preoccupied with things like Blood Moons that would signal the end of the world – again! Nothing happened, except the authors of these books made a bucket load of money from gullible church people. Apparently this year REALLY IS going to be the beginning of the end, with a World War starting in June 2016 culminating in Armageddon in 2019. The Antichrist will also be revealed although this particular conspiracy Christian has already named him – Barrack Obama of course! We all knew that right? By the way, the latest right wing conspiracy is that Obama is planning to subvert the Constitution and run for a third term – at least that would spare us from The Donald!

Earlier this year I was inspired by Hilary Clinton’s response to a question regarding her Christian faith. I wrote a blog about it – Inspired by Hilary Clinton – only to be told that I’d got it wrong and that out of all the candidates in the US Primaries, when it came to being a Christian, Hilary Clinton is “not on the list.” Others were quick to inform me that Hilary is part of the illuminati and a whole bunch of other stuff. How naïve could I be? And how old is Mrs. Clinton? The Illuminati hasn’t been in existence for more than two centuries!

Last year a Facebook “friend” tagged me in a post about the US government having a stockpile of Guillotines and recently purchasing more – all authorised by Congress. The article said the Government purchased 30,000 guillotines, 15,000 of which are in Georgia and the other 15,000 in Montana. This claim first originated on a blog that specialises in anti-Muslim articles and familiar conspiracy rumors such as the alleged existence of “FEMA concentration camps“. It’s been in circulation since 2008 and has no proof or back up whatsoever.

These crazy conspiracies came very close to home for me last year when listening to a dear friend of mine speak about these things in public Christian meetings. Gone were the days of focusing on Jesus and the wonderful salvation He brings. In Jesus’ place was endless ranting about American politicians drinking blood, the Mark of the Beast, the revelation of the antichrist – you name it. At the end of the meeting you could feel the fear within the congregation.

In private conversation, my friend chatted for hours (completely oblivious to the fact that I was bored to tears) about the imminent collapse of the U.S. dollar and food supply to be followed by martial law. Apparently the Muslim Brotherhood already controls dozens of American ports and ISIS is infiltrating the U.S. He also told me the U.S. government is building concentration camps and gas chambers throughout the country (even though none show up on Google Earth – I know, they’re in on the conspiracy too). This is as a result of a United Nations Agenda 21 plot to pave the way for a one-world government and the rise of the Antichrist. By the way, Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development. It was adopted unanimously by 178 countries – including the U.S. represented by George H.W. Bush – at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. It has nothing to do with Bible prophecy!

In fact, a lot of things that are taught as valid interpretations of Bible prophecy these days show little historical understanding of the Book of Revelation and other prophetic Scriptures. As a result of this, much of the church is watching – and sometimes taking a rather gleeful longing – for an increase in war, natural disasters, Blood Moons and other conspiracies.

This fairly new approach to the interpretation of Bible prophecy is called dispensationalism. It was developed in 1827 by John Nelson Darby of the Plymouth Brethren and spread widely with the 1909 publication of the Scofield Reference Bible. Darby went on to be the founder of the Exclusive Brethren cult after George Mueller (and other Brethren) challenged him about some of his unbiblical doctrines. Charles Spurgeon also claimed these teachings were false.

These days much of the church has gained its understanding of Bible prophecy from novels and movies such as the Left Behind series. While these books make their authors a lot of money they do nothing to educate God’s people in a correct understanding of events before Jesus’ return. In the mean time it would be healthier and much more productive for Christians to stop fixating on the Illuminati and start focusing on Jesus and the Kingdom of God. Don’t let your faith be hijacked by conspiracies!

Rob Buckingham

Senior Minister

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4 replies on “Hijacked by Conspiracies”


I love a good conspiracy, however Jesus has called me to Loce God and Love my neighbor. He has also called me to go and make disciples, baptise and teach to obey. So frankly, I’m a tad busy to be distracted by “stuff”. Good blog Ps Rob. R


Hi, I appreciate your concern about the way out there claims..but rest assured a lot of it is correct. There is a conspiracy…Scriptural…and factual (conspiracy) means to conspire…when we get together for a business meeting make plans agree…that is an act of conspiring…we form a conspiracy…and go forth…does anyone outside our group know of those secret decisions…mostly NO…even our wives or our husbands unless a part probably not..

Now to return to what you deem being off track…Jesus said look up …He also said…you will see signs in the heavens and on the earth… Since the Blood Moons massive geo, political, financial, social changes have taken place. Do you actually think this world will go on…Luke 17 is a clue..lead it in context..lbeginning to end…Jesus builds a clear picture…and I would say…has joined the class of those who believe in conspiracies.
I take everything with a grain of salt…I am not American I am Australian…raised on the land …a conservative Christian…an ordained minister…and a lifetime in the faith.. I had a father who fought in the toughest campaigns of WW11 and he warned over and over again, he would die before these troubles…but I would see them..he knew…and he was one tat always watched the weather…read the signs and taught me to do the same…be assured ..we are in the times of trouble..land heartache…some may be going to far…and live in fear…But I don’t see it that way…I count it all joy that my Lord is soon to return…not to rapture me away…but to fulfill His promises. It is wrap up time and unless we urgently warn and wake people up…then we have failed our duty…our God is both a God of love and a God of Justice…he honors His Word…do we honor ours??


Thank you for an excellent article.


Great reminder to focus on salvation of our neighbours.

But, when it boils down to a definition:

1. a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
synonyms: plot, scheme, stratagem, plan, machination, cabal;

2. the action of plotting or conspiring.

Does not the Psalms talk about conspiring against Gods’ people? It’s ok to be on guard against the wiles of the evil one! Jesus wants us to be aware of spiritual threats!

Psalm 2:1 – Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain?
Psalms 83:3 – They make shrewd plans against Your people, And conspire together against Your treasured ones.

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