Lessons from the Thorn


Lessons from the Thorn

5 June 2024

In last week’s blog, I explored the context of 2 Corinthians 11 and 12. I specified the nature of Paul’s…

What was Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh?

29 May 2024

Over the years, there has been much conjecture about what Paul called a thorn in his flesh, which he was…

Should I Swear an Oath?

22 May 2024

Jesus taught us not to swear oaths, but there are occasions when we are required to. Should I swear an…

The Coming Cashless Society

8 May 2024

My interest was piqued in early April when I noticed people posting online about “Draw Out Some Cash Day.” On…

Domestic Violence and the Church

1 May 2024

Warning: Some of the content in this blog may be triggering. Last weekend, thousands of people rallied to protest the…

Lest We Forget

22 April 2024

Next year will mark the 110th anniversary of Anzac Day when thousands of brave young men went ashore on a…

Living Your Way Through Grief

17 April 2024

Our Bayside Church community is in the midst of grief as we stand alongside a family whose eldest daughter took…

Help! I Need to Lose Weight

6 March 2024

I want to share my recent experiences with you in this blog. I am neither a doctor, medical practitioner, dietician…

The Worst Time to be Alive

28 February 2024

The last few years have been a momentous time around the world. We’ve experienced a global pandemic, worldwide floods and…

The Truth About the Great Southland Prophecy

14 February 2024

If you’ve been around Australian churches for any time, you will have heard about the 17th-century prophecy concerning the Great…

Getting to Know Jesus’ Twelve Apostles

7 February 2024

We read about the Twelve Apostles[1] in all four gospels. While John doesn’t mention the selection and calling of these…

Burning Coals on their Heads (Romans 12)

30 January 2024

There’s a fascinating verse in Romans chapter 12 that, at first glance, looks like permission to inflict pain on the…

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