Woke Whingers Attack Australia Day


Woke Whingers Attack Australia Day

23 January 2024

It must have been a slow news day, or maybe the opposition leader, Peter Dutton, wanted to be the first…

How to Avoid Disappointment

17 January 2024

Last year, I wrote a blog addressing some of the mistakes I’ve made and traps I’ve fallen into in my…

How Jesus’ Birth Really Happened

6 December 2023

The Christmas story usually goes like this: Joseph and Mary arrive at the sleepy town of Bethlehem in the middle…

Don’t Tell Anyone Jesus has Healed You!

29 November 2023

There are several occasions in the Gospels when Jesus heals someone or raises them from the dead and then gives…

Understanding the Wrath of God

15 November 2023

What’s the deal with the wrath of God? I mean, the Bible tells us that God is love. And yet,…

The Worst Place to Build a Church

1 November 2023

I regularly hear words of alarm and outrage from some of Jesus’ followers who embrace a gloomy view of the…

The Believers Judgement

25 October 2023

Someone recently asked this question on social media: Do believers in Christ still face judgment? Many replied “yes,” but others…

What’s Going on in the Middle East?

10 October 2023

This week, tensions between the Israelis and Palestinians have flared up again with the worst violence seen in decades. Meanwhile,…

Thoughts on the Voice to Parliament

3 October 2023

I confess that I find myself conflicted about the Voice to Parliament and not for the reasons you may think….

Sound of Freedom (Movie Review)

13 September 2023

It must be the season for movie reviews. Last week, I wrote about the Barbie movie. This week, it’s Sound…

Lessons From Barbie (Movie Review)

6 September 2023

Last Sunday was Father’s Day in Australia, and I got spoiled by two of my daughters. (The third one is…

Anti-Semitism and the Church

30 August 2023

The gospels frequently mention the struggles Jesus had with the Jewish religious leaders who resisted Jesus’ teaching. They were jealous…

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