What Christians Can Learn From Israel Folau


What Christians Can Learn From Israel Folau

22 May 2019

As you’re probably aware, Israel Folau’s Australian rugby union career appears over (see report) after a three-person panel ordered that…

Was Jesus Really Born Of A Virgin?

15 May 2019

I received an email a short while ago from a member of Bayside Church in which he expressed his concerns…

Pentecostals, Pastors and Politics

8 May 2019

Whenever there’s an election, I’m reminded of how little some quarters of the church have learnt how detrimental it is…

Does God Predestine Some People For Hell? (Romans 9)

1 May 2019

It’s an awful thought that God would actually create some people for the very purpose of tormenting and torturing them…

Long Hair, Short Hair and Head Coverings (1 Cor 11)

3 April 2019

After converting from atheism to Christianity in my late teens and early 20s, I joined a small, Pentecostal church in…

Removing the Lord’s Prayer from State Parliament

27 March 2019

Last Thursday I was tagged into a Facebook Post of Family Voice Australia[i], an organisation that promotes itself as “A…

A Prophecy Over Bayside Church

20 March 2019

For all of my life as a Christian, I have hugely valued the prophetic gift as well as the prophecies…

Punishing Children for their Parents’ Sins

6 March 2019

There’s no doubt that there are some quite troubling sections in the Bible, especially in the Hebrew Scriptures. [i]We can…

Some Thoughts on George Pell

27 February 2019

Despite the media suppression order, many of us were well aware that George Pell was found guilty on December 11th…

The Exasperation of Jesus

20 February 2019

Maybe you’ve just read the title of this blog and thought, “Surely Jesus doesn’t get exasperated? He’s gentle Jesus meek…

Living in God’s Favour

6 February 2019

During the early months of Jesus’ ministry, he was seen as a teacher (Rabbi) who travelled around the Galilean countryside…

Jesus Wouldn’t Use Humour

16 January 2019

Just before Christmas, I uploaded a short clip from a recent sermon on my Facebook page. I included the caption,…

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