Is Covid-19 a Sign of the End?


Is Covid-19 a Sign of the End?

1 April 2020

Every time there’s a crisis you’ll find well-meaning Christians attempting to link it to a Bible verse (carefully plucked out…

No Plague Will Come Near Your Dwelling

25 March 2020

If you’ve been on social media during the rise of Covid-19, you will no doubt have seen several references to…

What Does the Bible Say About the Coronavirus?

18 March 2020

In all my life, I haven’t seen anything like what we’re currently watching unfold around the world. The spread of…

What Does it Mean to Forgive?

4 March 2020

Forgiveness. We know we should do it. Christians (and many others) believe God has given it. But what is it?…

Eternal God, Finite World

19 February 2020

In last week’s blog, I attempted to refute Stephen Hawking’s claim that God didn’t exist because there was no time…

Stephen Hawking and the Non-Existent God

11 February 2020

I have enormous respect for Stephen Hawking. He was one of the greatest minds of the last century, a genius…

The Violence of Jesus

6 February 2020

I recently read a comment from a pastor who was angry about the behaviour of a politician. Nothing strange about…

The Bushfires Crisis: Where is God?

8 January 2020

Someone asked me a few days ago, “Where is God in the midst of all the suffering from the bushfires…

What was Jesus Really Like?

4 December 2019

Unlike the other religious people of Jesus’ day, he lived up close and personal with people. He associated with those…

How to Get Out of Debt

20 November 2019

The Bible has a lot of practical advice to give when it comes to money, especially how to manage it…

Which Bible Should I Read?

13 November 2019

I had an email from a Bayside Church member recently in which he told me of his greater commitment “to…

What Aussies Dislike about the Church

23 October 2019

In last week’s blog, we looked at the things Aussies love about the church and there’s quite a lot. I…

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