The Shadow Pandemic


The Shadow Pandemic

25 August 2021

Much is being spoken of at present about the shadow pandemic, and rightly so. It would be remiss of us…

What Happened to Mary Magdalene?

11 August 2021

There’s no doubt that Mary Magdalene was a significant person to Jesus and the first-century church. But there’s no mention…

Who are the Sons of God? (Genesis 6)

4 August 2021

There’s a fascinating and mysterious story in Genesis chapter 6 that has been the subject of much debate and conjecture….

From Zero to Hitler …

28 July 2021

It’s a trend I’ve observed over the past year or more, basically since the pandemic began. I’ll tell you what…

Should I Read the Apocrypha?

21 July 2021

It’s a question I’m asked regularly. Should I read the Apocrypha, and should it be included in the Bible? Apocrypha…

Understanding the Book of Genesis

14 July 2021

Genesis, the first book of the Bible, is a stunning book. Christians should remember that Genesis was part of the…

Beware the Christian fundamentalists!

24 June 2021

It may surprise you to learn that Christian fundamentalism is a relatively modern branch of the Christian faith. It started…

Who are the Rulers and Authorities in the Heavenly Realms? (Eph 3)

16 June 2021

No doubt, Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is one of his most impressive works. It’s a masterpiece written during the…

Help! I’m Deconstructing

9 June 2021

When I think of this blog’s title, it reminds me of the wicked witch’s words in Judy Garland’s Wizard of…

Wisdom on Saving & Investing

2 June 2021

The Bible has a ton of sage advice on managing money. 15% of Jesus’ teaching is about money. He said…

Understanding the Palestinian Conflict

19 May 2021

Tensions between the Israelis and Palestinians have flared up again. The world waits for the illusive Two-State solution. Nothing happens….

I’m a Progressive Christian

6 May 2021

Have you ever noticed how some people need to label you, to categorise you? Maybe it provides them with a…

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