The Bible is Not a Static Book


The Bible is Not a Static Book

10 March 2021

There are many wrong ways to read the Bible. Here are a few: Out of obligation. God says to read…

The Psychology Behind Conspiracy Theories

3 March 2021

This time last year, we heard more and more about this strange new virus, but we were still blissfully unaware…

Meaning-Making from Death & Loss

17 February 2021

On Friday evening, Christie received a text letting us know that a Bayside Church member had just collapsed and was…

The Great Reset is Real

3 February 2021

Throughout the craziness of 2020, you may have seen or heard multiple mentions of something called “The Great Reset.” Some…

And the Prophets Apologise. A Little.

27 January 2021

Several weeks ago, I posted a blog entitled Holding the Prophets to Account.  The blog outlined the misuse and abuse…

Should I Get a Covid-19 Vaccine?

11 January 2021

Last week, I put the following post on my Facebook page: With the Australian rollout of a Covid-19 vaccine to…

C.S. Lewis on the Global Pandemic

2 December 2020

A person I admire much is C.S. Lewis. I never got to meet him. He passed away when I was…

Like a Leaf

18 November 2020

This week’s blog is by my dear friend, Graham Crossan. Graham, and his wife Gaynor, are much-loved members of Bayside…

Holding the Prophets to Account

9 November 2020

I’m stating up front that I believe in the gift of prophecy and the office of prophet. These gifts are…

Should the Church Defend its Rights?

4 November 2020

One of the things I’ve enjoyed doing this year is the weekly “Tuesday Night Live” on Facebook and YouTube. I…


21 October 2020

It’s been fascinating to see the hashtag “rapture anxiety” trend this year on Twitter. And no surprises with all the…

QAnon and Followers of Jesus

14 October 2020

Have you noticed specific phrases appearing regularly on Social Media feeds? You may have heard or seen friends, relations, or…

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