Christianity in Decline (Census 2021)


Christianity in Decline (Census 2021)

18 July 2022

The Australian Bureau of Statistics recently released the details of the 2021 census, showing Australia’s population is larger, more diverse…

Why we do an “Acknowledgement of Country”

1 June 2022

In 2015, Christie and I, along with three other couples, spent a week in the outback meeting some of Australia’s…

Being Angry with God

25 May 2022

In my younger years as a Christian, I thought that it would be sinful to be angry with God. I…

When Politics Clouds the Gospel

17 May 2022

Whenever there is an election, I am reminded of the little some quarters of the church have learned about how…

Mastering Mammon

11 May 2022

There’s a fascinating verse smack dab in the middle of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. For the most part, Jesus…

Gender Identity & The Bible

4 May 2022

Gender identity is a current and controversial issue. It’s a topic the church needs to discuss in love, understanding, and…

Why Did God Reject Cain’s Offering?

27 April 2022

Someone recently told me that they felt confused about why God accepted Abel’s offering and not Cain’s. It seemed unfair…

Did God Kill Jesus?

13 April 2022

Over the past few years, I’ve become increasingly uncomfortable with the notion that God killed Jesus, as I had been…

The Significance of Palm Sunday

6 April 2022

Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, an event that is so important it’s mentioned in all four gospels.[1]…

The Broad Road to Destruction

23 March 2022

Without question, some of Jesus’ sayings are alarming. I was particularly intimidated as a young Christian by the wide gate…

Binding the Strong Man

16 March 2022

I became a Christian in a Pentecostal church at age 19. Pentecostal Christianity was my Christian formation and has continued…

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