Moralise, Christianise or Evangelise


Moralise, Christianise or Evangelise

18 November 2010

Many people have completely the wrong idea about Christianity and what it means to be a Christian. The sad fact…

Time Flies

3 November 2010

Canadian Scientists at the University of Alberta (Dr. Anthony Chaston and research colleague, Dr. Alan Kingstone) have proven once and…

Blame Your Parents

28 October 2010

“It’s not MY fault – it’s someone else’s.” “I can’t help it – this is the way I’ve always been!”…

Australia’s First Saint?

20 October 2010

There has been much celebration in the past few days as Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter’s Square in Rome…

The Power of One

6 October 2010

Whenever there’s a disaster somewhere in the world we often hear a pronouncement from a Christian leader that this disaster…

Koran Burning

16 September 2010

Burning the Koran is the latest example to hit the news of unchristian Christianity!  A Florida pastor last week announced…

We’re All Doomed!

26 August 2010

In the news this week there’s been the ongoing debate about Earth’s limited resources and particularly how much oil is…

There are no Losers

10 August 2010

We live in an age where political correctness has gone crazy and where everyone has to win or get a…

Capital Punishment

28 April 2010

Capital Punishment has been forever abolished in Australia by the recent passing of The Crimes Legislation Amendment (Torture Prohibition and…

No Cost Environmental Care

14 April 2010

“I care for the environment – as long as it doesn’t cost me anything.”  That seems to just about sum…

The Atheist Agenda

24 March 2010

Well, they’ve come and gone from what was described as the world’s biggest atheist conference. Author Melanie Phillips described it…

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