Donate Life
23 February 2012 Hits:3324
Some Christians may fail to donate organs because of the idea that a total body will be necessary at the resurrection. The view is that, at the resurrection the risk exists of someone’s body missing vital organs or, worse still, organs flying out of the recipients and finding their home once again in the donor! This concern can be quickly squashed by a proper understanding of 1 Corinthians 15:35-49 which teaches that there is a tremendous difference between the physical body at death, which may be buried, cremated and return to dust (Genesis 3:19), and the spiritual body of the resurrection.
Others may be concerned that organ donation and transplantation is interfering with the natural order. Some people feel that organ transplantation is contrary to natural law, supporting the concept on the basis of the inevitable rejection by one’s body of a newly transplanted organ or tissue. Developing technology, however, has decreased the risks of rejection. In the early 17th century the practice of blood transfusions resulted in many deaths because incompatible blood was given. Then in 1900 Karl Landsteiner discovered blood types and thus eliminated the extreme risks involved in transfusions. Technological advances continue to eliminate the rejection of organs through closely screening donors and recipients, and then developing medications that will combat specific rejection of the transplanted organs.
It is my belief that the Bible supports medical, technological and scientific breakthroughs. In Genesis 1:28 God commands humanity to “kabash”, or to take charge of the earth. The Bible also gives many accounts of intervention to extend life or improve its quality. One example is Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-44). This event extended Lazarus’s life and gave him and his family new opportunities. The Gospel accounts record 23 times that Jesus healed or raised someone from the dead (see John 4:46-53; Matthew 8:2-4; Mark 2:3-12; Luke 18:35-43 and John 5:1-9). Old Testament passages also offer support for prolongation of life. Elijah prayed to God and the life of the dead child for whom he prayed was restored (1 Kings 17:19-22). Elisha performed a similar act, as life miraculously returned to a dead child (2 Kings 4:32-35).
The other reason why I believe the Bible sanctions organ donation is the repeated command to “Love your neighbour as yourself.” One way to express this love is through modern technology that makes organ donation and transplantation possible. The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) demonstrated the standard that everyone is a neighbour and that people should be willing to love in a way that meets the needs of their neighbour. This includes giving first aid and the best health care possible. The Good Samaritan bandaged wounds, poured on oil and transported the injured man for help. Anointing with oil was the best medical care available in Jesus’ day and this testifies to the importance of medical care along with prayer. Today prolonging life through the best medical technology available and with the power of prayer should be the focus of every person in a similar situation.
Organ donation gives another chance at life to those people who would otherwise die. Jesus taught the Golden Rule, “in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12). If I – or my wife or children – was dying and an organ transplant could save a life then I would be so grateful if a donor was available. If I would want others to do that for me why wouldn’t I reciprocate? Organ donation is one of the few acts for which people will remember you even after you are dead. Any person can give a new life to at least five individuals. Last year I registered as an organ donor. Will you join me?

Rob Buckingham
Senior Minister
2 replies on “Donate Life”
Great blog pastor Rob. I’ve been on the organ donation register for many years and look forward to someone receiving my organs when the time comes – I’m sure they will be in peak working order 🙂 Great to see some biblical perspectives on the issue.
As an extra thought there is a paradox that exists with organ or tissue donations. When we’re alive we’re more than happy to donate things like blood and a kidney or bone marrow, especially to family or friends. In the case of blood, it could be to anyone. Quite often TV shows like A Current Affair will run stories on the life saving “angels” who give their organs whilst alive to others, sometimes total strangers.
Paradoxically, we seem to be so reticent in donating our organs when we die – we won’t exactly be needing them anymore!
Thank you for clearing this up for me Pastor Rob. This has been an issue that I have been struggling with for a long time. You have really brought revelation to my life and for that, I am grateful!