Does God Really Exist?
14 November 2012 Hits:142273
Ah, the eternal question – Is there a God or isn’t there? And, if there is, how do we know that he (or she or it or they) exists? Of course there are those who categorically say there is no God. We call them atheists (a = without; theos = god). In my teen years I called myself an atheist until I realised that to do so was to say that I knew everything. How did I know that God didn’t exist outside of my knowledge? Atheists, if they are honest with themselves, will realise this flaw in their logic and upgrade themselves to agnostics – those who are not sure if there is a God or not (a = without; gnosis = knowledge).
At the age of 19, through a number of dramatic incidences, I realised that I had been wrong. God did in fact exist – and that he was not just real but loving, caring and personal. Now, 32 years later – and a whole lot wiser – I am living my life to help others know this loving, caring, personal God. It is my hope that this blog will help you in this discovery. I believe there are four basic ways we can know that God exists:
“Since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities … have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made” (Romans 1:20).
The internet features a number of sites that instruct you on how to make a model of the Solar System. Imagine that you made such a model and then invited a friend around to watch it in action. Of course your friend would be amazed at this phenomenal working model of the real thing – planets rotating on an axis and all revolving around the sun. He may ask, “Who made this?” You answer: “No one made it!” Would he believe you? Of course not! Someone had to make it. How is it that we can look at the real thing and believe that it’s a random-chance accident with no designer or creator
“Since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness.” (Romans 2:15)
Human beings are set apart from the animal and plant kingdoms in many ways – not least by the existence of the human conscience. We are not just aware of our existence but we are also very aware of what is right and what is wrong. On the basis of this we have established an entire system of justice, reward and punishment.
“In these last days he (God) has spoken to us by his Son…”(Hebrews 1:2)
“Jesus answered: “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.”(John 14:9)
How easy it would have been for God to remain aloof and distant from His creation. But God came to earth as a human being … Jesus! Jesus’ existence is a historical fact reported not just by the Bible but also by secular historians like Josephus. Jesus not only claimed that God existed but that He was in fact God in human form!
“We…are being transformed into his likeness.” (2 Corinthians 3:18) When I became a Christian at the age of 19 a radical transformation took place in my life – and that transformation process is still happening. Right now on planet earth there are billions of people who call themselves Christian. Many of these people have experienced this same transformation. No, we’re not perfect, but our lives have been changed for the better and, through us, this world is a better place.
God really exists. He really loves you. Why not love Him back!
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Rob Buckingham
Senior Minister
35 replies on “Does God Really Exist?”
From my background as African and Sudanese in particular, my forefathers and grandparents have always believe in the almighty God the Creater of human life and all living things. Even if they use to believe in their cultural believes, they always believe that God exist.
This turned different when I became a active christain at the age of 9 in 1988 as sunday school. Those who have survived such high level of risks untill today will always tell the story that God exist. Those who have seen a dying person recovering after serious prayers did believe that God exist. Those who survived the bombbardment of the most brutal regimes in Sudan and now free people in Australia will always tell amazing stories and how God has played the important role of serving their lives. God exist, God is always there and he always be the almighty who love the world. Jesus christ the beloving son exist, the holy spirit exist. May the name of the almighty God be praise. Listen to my stories and believe God exist.
This article has no evidence, but personal experience, which they had…
No one else had this but apparently this proves god is real.
Surely everybody should experience the exact same thing if some invisible being was in charge…
smh thats the point in believing u cant see oxygen right?? somebody told u it exists and u believe it correct??
But oxygen does exist cause it’s been proven it’s there and that we need it to survive
If there was as much evidence for god’s existence as that for oxygen, we’d all believe. No-one would need faith.
God punish those who do bad. Since my childhood I have seen many people who did so much bad in their life e.g. one person snatched house of another one in front of me, someone occupied rented house and never leave that place and even ask money to leave that house. Many more such incidents are there. Similarly China doing so bad to the world. You name the country and you will find China did something bad to it. Why lots of countries fighting in these days.
Where is God? If past was true, if he came to save people, then why hidden now.
Why bad people always flourish and good suffer.
Its all myth. Actually Human is biggest animal and when gets power he himself kills the humanity.
God is only here to guide us not to hold our hands all the way. If bad people want to to bad things that is their choice. That is one of the reasons the creator is so caring, because he gives us choice. If we choose correctly we will be rewarded beyond our wildest dreams with eternal life
I cannot declare myself as a Christian because I am not driven away from myself but thank you because you really proved that god is real.
Not trying to be abusive, but when you say “Atheists, if they are honest with themselves, will realize this flaw in their logic” is illogical in itself. Christians aren’t ones to talk anyway, I could spend hours speaking of flaws in their logic but I digress. Atheists, in general, don’t necessarily say “there is no god”, but are more in a position of “I know for a fact that the Earth is 4,500,000,000 years old not 6,000, humans are products of millions of years of small biological changes in genetics over many many many generations, not creations of a deity and the bible was a bunch of sand stories not to be taken literally”. There is no way you can prove god exists or not, but you can prove that what god apparently did in the bible, was actually done else wise, therefore why would there be a god if he/she didn’t do those things? A great example is the Norse god Skoll. He was a wolf god who ate the sun, so when he did so the Vikings scared him away and he spat him out. Everyone now would realise that it was a solar eclipse, so now that you know it was a solar eclipse not a wolf god, would you still believe in Skoll? God was the answer to the questions that could not be answered, so now that science has dis-proven religion by the fact of evolution and the big bang, why would you still believe in a god? As you can see, I haven’t dis-proven the existence of a god, I have merely dis-proven the logic in believing in a god. A god may exist, he/she could have created the big bang all those billions of years ago (not thousands). He/she could have had a hand in evolution. But I severely doubt one exists because why should one.
You said it perfectly. I couldn’t have said it better.
Spot on. I’ll be honest, I have been an atheist all my life and I am now 58 years old, but recently I have begun to ask myself whether there is a god. I started reading the Bible and then the truth hit home. When I started reading Genesis my brain said to me that this cannot be true when we have scientific evidence as to how the Earth was formed. The science is a fact PERIOD.
It’s a shame because it would warm my heart to know that there was a god looking after me, but logic says there is no god.
On a final note, my aunt Marjorie died in absolute agony from liver cancer, she was the most loving and caring person I have ever met; why did god sanction that? And here’s the killer, who created God? Phil.
those who believe in god will say that god has defined one’s life cycle on earth. There is always a godly purpose behind that. But what exactly was the purpose nobody knows. I am still confused about this GOD, Hell & Heaven Concept. If some one can logically explain about this I will be glad to understand this.
Explain pain and suffering
Why do people always pray to god to “save” them
I would be asking why have you put me in this situation in the first place ?
If you are an Atheist how did you wind up on this website, a church that serves God? It’s obvious you are questioning things! That’s your conscience, and guess who gave you that? Yes, God! Why do people feel bad when they do something wrong? Why are we feeling sad for the thousands of people that are dying from this virus? Have you ever been outdoors doing something and felt this sense of being at one with nature? I am just describing to you all the feelings that we have, come from God! Our feelings help us make our decisions, our decisions lead to our actions & our conscience keeps us in line. God made us this way! It’s what kind of person we are & how He will judge us! God has shown Himself to me many times in my life! I hope He will yours! Ask Him to & be sincere, He will! What do you have to lose?
This just proves everything that the atheists said is true, and this is one of the first websites to see when you search up, “does god really exist”.But how can you assume that god gave us our conscience and thats how we are questioning things, all the evidence we have points that this is an evolutionary trait to help our survival, and that we have evolved to feel all these feelings, animals also feel sad, does that mean we are animals? not exactly, as we have evolved to have a greater conscience than other animals. Even though God has “showed himself” to you, isn’t this just personal experience and most likely just a coincidence?
Enjoyed this Rob. It has raised some interesting discussion. Just contemplating this amazing world and universe, I think are people kidding themselves thinking it all just happened by chance after a freak, random big bang and humans with all our complexity started from something as simple as bacteria.?Scientifically what would be the odds of that? How could something so incredible and beautiful not have been designed? Btw are u really a year younger than me at 51?
Sorry replied to my own comment by accident, but i wanted to add before my final sentence – I suspect that pondering similar questions to these lead the likes of Newton and Galileo to become Christian’s.
Enjoyed this Rob. It has raised some interesting discussion. Just contemplating this amazing world and universe, I think are people kidding themselves thinking it all just happened by chance after a freak, random big bang and humans with all our complexity started from something as simple as bacteria.?Scientifically what would be the odds of that? How could something so incredible and beautiful not have been designed? Btw are u really a year younger than me at 51?
dude the universe is infinite so there are infinite chances
We are smart people. Many things are proven and not proven. I feel that religion was created to keep us in line and to be honest with one another. I also feel that the church is big business. look at the Evangelist making millions and not sharing with anyone. They are in it for the money, preying on the poor, giving false hope that all will be OK. sure it will, if you lost your job they tell you it will be ok and soon you will find another job. Of course you will because you are searching for that and eventually it will happen. you say to pray to GOD, Jesus and he will answer your prayers. I have prayed and prayed for him to heal me. i got nothing, no answers, no feelings, no visions, nothing. Very easy to explain if you believe, GOD knows what your life will be as he planned it out for you, but he gives you choice of free will.. So which is it? he planned my life for me or i have choice of free will! I do not get it.
I do beleive animals also have feelings and compassion. the motherly love is there in all animals. A dog feels bad if something bad happens to its master.
If only everyone would question things and not believe without good evidence I think the world would be a better place. The truth is important enough to be an end in itself, whilst helping others not settle for less is a noble cause. It seems to me that believing things without good evidence is a pathway to untruth.
I’m just on this website because it’s my homework. It’s completely illogical for people to just blindly say that god exists just because they haven’t found solutions to big questions. And btw, if god made us and he’s this ‘all-powerful being’ why on Earth would he make us so badly. With viruses, poverty, starvation etc. the list is endless… Also why is god in christianity a he??? If god really existed(as per christianity) ‘he’ wouldn’t be a ‘he’. He should be too powerful for gender(exist without gender or exist with all genders). And if you’re going to talk about free will… just shush. What’s the point of having free will if loads of people are going to use it to kill or steal or bad stuff in general.
Altair, you claim “I know for a fact that the Earth is 4,500,000,000 years old not 6,000, humans are products of millions of years of small biological changes in genetics over many many many generations, not creations of a deity and the bible was a bunch of sand stories not to be taken literally.”
Seriously? You cannot or won’t believe that Jesus Christ walked on earth 2,000 years ago (despite evidences from history and archaeology) but you believe ‘scientists’ telling you the hogwash?
Have you read the protestant Bible from Genesis to Revelation, research what it claims and debunk every “sand story” in it? If you have not, you are in no position to say whether God exists. Likewise, without researching you and your background, i can categorically claim that you never had a father and mother. It has nothing to do with logic, everything to do with the ‘big bang’ that never happened. If ever there was a Big Bang it was when God said “Let there be….”
Here’s proof that there is God …
Also if god exists and he/she knows that we are confused about his/her existence, then why cant he explain us about his/her existence. Reading bible, I feel, cant help me because it doesn’t seems logical to me.
In my opinion, there is no god exists. God is belief only. Everyone should respect others feelings and not to force others to come to your line. Ancestors set practices to regulate behaviour of human beings towards good for society and created fear about life in the name of God. Everybody should accept reality. Please do not criticize any religion, belief etc and don’t hurt any human being. Majority of mankind (about 99.99%) believe in god. Life is uncertain and may happens on its way. Nobody can predict future of anyone/world
Exactly. Its always good to believe and teach that there is an almighty God is watching you. Wise forefathers had foreseen the consequences and a law for life was given.
If only everyone would question things and not believe without good evidence I think the world would be a better place. The truth is important enough to be an end in itself, whilst helping others not settle for less is a noble cause. It seems to me that believing things without good evidence is a pathway to untruth.
There are many evidence on YouTube that you can watch, people are praying to god day and night and they speak to God spirit. God has said in bible that he won’t live you alone he loves each and everyone mostly he is there with everyone who belives in him. People who hate other such as the poor people who doesn’t do anythings wrong to anyone still they get blame, and people say bad to them sometimes becauseof them look, but they don’t know that God is there with them, and they get what they want by just thinking ;that only God can listen to the mind that we think.
When I was kid it was happen to me many times when I fall i feel someone hold me, and don’t let me fall. When someone say anything to me the next day they cry, things happened to them. I didn’t know anything that time but when I grow old I found that God was always there with me. I never use to tell anyone but when I do say anything no one would beleave me. But I feel good in my self.
In present you can still she that God have proven that he is exist and have done what he did in past when he was born as a human. To save bad people, from doing bad because of evil spirit, he have bring them to right path, many have being chage they change their spirit to a good person.
God still cure those people who are sick, (blind,can see) (the people on wheel chair can get up and walk) this is happening in name of jisus. He is making people better with the power of lord and with the spirit of Lord that he have send to help protect us and Hill us from evil spirit as well he does work by using one of his son the priest who work for God.
he was came to tell each and everyone that he is exist and his Father, who created this world.
The answer is yes there is a God. If you believe in evolution, that it started by an explosion, well answer this. Where did that explosion originated. Where did it come from. So yes there is a good and awesome God.
Why do Christians think they know the way to God, when God is within us all? Jesus new this, and so do many people who share a spiritual way of life. We have no need to follow Christian beliefs to experience feelings of good and evil. I am amazed at times to hear the prays of Christians when throughout history there has been an escalations of evil intentions by so many leaders in the world. Where is God now?
How someone define God?
When peopel will realize that God is not a person, a He or a She or a it but just a word for something wich is good,just like joy, passion or compassion, then all the wars will stop and them blindness too.
GOD is real, because how can you explain exorcism?
And people who got exorcist and got healed by the name of God Jesus. Think about it guys.
Hey guys, I was raised in a Christian family and enjoyed my faith until I started to have doubts. It was difficult because I thought about all the times that I prayed to god and felt a calling. But noooo, I had to deny that with logic. I feel like with some atheists feel there better than someone because they have no religious believes because it’s highly illogical. What you have to understand is there is no way that you can change a “true” Christian’s mind. So stop trying, stop trying to deny a creature, (even if your right believing in god really does make you feel whole, believe it or not) you can’t deny there is a craving in your heart. But most of the time you weren’t loved so why would there be something out there that loved you? And I get that, I do. It’s easy to fall into the robotic, I believe in logic statement. But if you take a look through the Bible you could at least think that they said some good stuff on how to live your life ( like not committing adultery etc.) so it’s your choice, believe if you want (I recommend it) but there are some facts out there. Like how dna looks like it’s been encoded by something higher than chance. Look at everything before you say anything. And if you want to help atheists out and change there faith ( there choice ) you gotta state some facts, cause there are some out there