Despite The Odds


Despite The Odds

10 September 2008 Hits:3973

The Olympic Games have come and gone for another four years – or have they? Right now in Beijing 4,200 athletes from 148 countries are taking part in the 2008 Paralympics. The Paralympics are a multi-sport event for athletes with physical, mental, and sensorial disabilities. This includes athletes with mobility disabilities, amputees, visually impaired athletes, and those with cerebral palsy.

I find the Paralympics so inspiring! There are paraplegics in wheel chairs playing basketball. There are amputees with prosthetic limbs running faster than I can with two good legs. These are men and women who face great difficulties and overcome them.

We saw another amazing example of this kind of character a few weeks ago when Nick Vujicic was featured on Sixty Minutes (Nine Network). Nick was born without arms or legs and yet this young Christian man travels the world speaking to and motivating thousands with his faith, humour and upbeat personality.

And then there are the others – people who face similar challenges (or less) and yet go through life with a grudge; a huge chip on their shoulder; an “I hate the world and it owes me” attitude.

What makes the difference? One word – RESOLVE! People like the Paralympians and Nick Vujicic have resolved not to allow their disability to be their enemy. Instead, they have made it their friend and have succeeded in life despite the setbacks.

What are you facing at the moment? What is your attitude to it? What have you resolved to do despite it? Consider the Paralympians, Nick Vujicic and Jesus Christ “who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Succeed, despite the odds!

Rob Buckingham

Senior Minister

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3 replies on “Despite The Odds”

Anthony Stevenssays:

Clare and I have been enjoying watching the paralympics also and marvel at the way the competitors have overcome there disabilities. I agree with Ps Rob in that they see the disability as a friend not an enemy.

Anne Hollandsays:

Yes, I heard Nick Vujicic when he spoke at Bayside Church one Sunday evening a couple of years ago. What an AMAZING man he is, and I was DELIGHTED to see his story on sixty minutes, hopefully reaching many many people around Australia !! He is an inspiration, especially with his wonderful sense of humour. I wonder if he has written his biography and I wonder if it were possible to ask him to speak at Bayside again??? Both would be well worth reading/coming to, for those who haven’t heard of him before. He certainly puts all our lives into perspective!!!!! Anne xxxxxxxxx. :-* :-*

Hala Lamottsays:

I fully agree with all comments, I watched some of the paraolympics which brought tears of joy to my eyes. Yet some people with very little problems make such big dramas! At times like this my problems are minimised and I thanked God for all my blessings!

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